Friday, December 31, 2010

The Rebel Rash

I've heard of rebel onions…
...I've heard of rebel trash
I've heard of Rebel beer
  …but never Rebel Rash!

Ah, but I was to learn!
…and no, not by word of mouth
But a painful intimate interlude
…with this denizen of the south!

Rebel Rash is what happens
…when heavy thighs begin to clash
Too many chickens, too many taters
…are the cause of rebel rash!

Throw in heavy humidity
…a blazing hot rebel sun
Privates sweating bullets
…and ere the day is done

You'll be walking bow legged
…cold shower your only desire
And trying to act cool
…thighs scarlet and on fire

Pining for the moment
…You lie naked, prone upon the bed
Naked, spread-eagled!
…fan blowing 'neath the spread

Praying, when comes the morning
  …it's time to turn the lights on,
  You peek 'neath the sheets
  …the Rebel Rash is gone!

Russ Pergram

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wayward Son

Is that but a little shack?
 …atop a West Virginia hill?
Or, my "cabin in the corner"
… of Beulah land waiting still.

For me to return
… find my way back again.
Home, where I was truly happy
…and life didn't seem in vain.

It certainly looks like heaven
…to a wayward son like me
Who left his childhood home
…where his heart will always be.

Oh if only I could tell you
…the sum of that cabin's worth
Where God's still the inspiration
…of mountaineers upon his earth.

No friend, though it look a shack
…a forlorn place to end.
''Tis far more than that!
…A place I go to mend.

My mansion on a hilltop,
…A breathtaking view,
Sweet home…West Virginia
…Wayward son's missing you…


 Russ Pergram

Saturday, September 25, 2010

When I'm Blind

Sitting here thinking of you
Suddenly it occurs to me
Oh Angel, though I were blind?
Your beauty I could see.

Even if I'd never seen
Your ravishing eyes of blue.
Never basked in your smile
Still it would be true.

I would love you no matter
For you are the epitome of grace.
My heart would see your light
Recognize you, anytime anyplace.

Yes, you are a beautiful woman!
One that's exciting to me.
And yes, when I see you
I thank God I can see!

But I thank God even more,
For the inspiration of your heart.
The way you enlighten mine
Illuminating every part

Of what it truly means to love,
To be so purged by it's fire
I can see the grace of love's majesty 
And the selfishness of my desire.

See how beautiful you are?
How you enlighten heart and mind?
Oh Angel, I do see and love you
Even when I'm blind...

 Russ Pergram

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

American Values

In 1967, I graduated high school that year.
It was already underway, a conspiracy I fear.
Vietnam was raging, the nation split in two.
Khrushchev preaching, "We will bury you!"

"We will not have to conquer you; you'll decay from within.
You'll lose your morals, and we'll walk right in."
That was over 40 years ago, and I am ashamed to say
I've lived to see his words come true. Our morals in decay.

Thanks to the liberal politicians, there's no more wrong or right.
No need to draw a line in the sand, to bicker or fight!
Religions are all the same, neither wrong or right.
We're all enlightened, full of light.

Interesting how the Constitution was "misinterpreted", ere they came along.
How, even those who wrote it, had interpreted it wrong!
Separation of church and state, to hold the church at bay?
' Twas never intended to be used, perverted as it is this day.

What's prayer in public school, have to do with governing this land?
Nothing at all, and believe me the conspiracists understand
if our children believe, God supersedes even the state,
Then before their morals, their "deception" will meet its fate.

Let's open our eyes! We're being conquered from within.
Under the guise of equality, they sucker the simple in.
Counting on most of us, being content with status quo.
As deftly, they lead us, to a place we don't want to go.

Those of us who are 60 or older, remember America as it used to be?
Look around you; is this a better America you see?
Are America's morals, values, those our parents taught?
Without hesitation, I answer, "certainly not!"

I am a Christian, not a hate-monger or a threat,
an American patriot, who believes America is yet
very much alive and still answers to the call...
"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty, justice for all.

Russ Pergram

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


On my way to somewhere
so many different directions to go!
Perhaps one day I'll get there
where that is, I do not know.

Sixty-one years old today
September 14, 2010.
No closer to my destination
then when I did begin.

Have I really been on a journey
or just swept away by time?
An impossible question to answer
like some silly nursery rhyme.

Seems I'm always at a crossroads
not sure which road to take.
But always I choose one
with confidence I fake.

But I know there is somewhere
out there waiting for me.
And I'm well on my way
to somewhere I should be.


Russ Pergram

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Cute Little Thing

Into the box the batter stepped
calmly surveying the field.
Ah, he thought to himself
the third baseman will yield.

As the ball approached the plate
with power he did swing.
With a smirk he thought, "Too bad,"
she's such a cute little thing!

With feline grace she moved
lightning quick to her right.
As the ball approached her
near the speed of light.

What happened next my friends,
is the making of kickball lore.
The play of the "Cute little thing,"
will live on forever more.

"Pow!" she took the ball
hard into her chest.
Yet, fearlessly she stood,
equal to the test!

'Twas then the batter smiled,
and with a tip of his hat,
whispered to "the cute little thing,"
"never seen a play better than that!"

And as the game ended
in the evenings twilight
Adoring husband, loving wife
went home for the night…

Russ Pergram

Monday, May 31, 2010

American Soldiers

Oh the fallen soldiers,
...who have died for liberty,
Who rest in their place, that nation is free.

Unto you do I render,
...pen this humble salute.
To such excellence of spirit,
...none may refute.

To all who lie with you,
...and to those who still live.
You are the nation's finest, America has to give.

Sleeping in foxholes,
...flying missions all night,
Manning ships that insure;
...freedom greets mornings light.

You are never forgotten, those who understand.
The freedom so often taken for granted,
...does such a high price demand.

The lives of so many,
...who have so much to give.
But willing to sacrifice all,
...that freedom may live.

May we never forget, we grill, drink lemonade.
But remember the holiday's reason,
...and the sacrifices made.

Let every American take notice,
...humble hearts and pray,
For every soldier past and present,
...who make America what it is today."


 Russ Pergram

Friday, May 28, 2010

Hitting the Ground

Oh eternal spirit,
…inside this box of clay,
Raise thy voice unto the heavens,
…for soon comes the day.

This finite body,
…prison for your sin
Shall return to the ground,
…and freedom shall begin.

There'll be no more broken hearts,
…no misunderstanding love.
Only the divine purity,
…of its Creator from above.

Ne'er again shall tears,
…scald flesh to the ground.
Love shall be as it is,
…majestic and profound.

Love no more insecure,
…afraid of rejection.
But free of the flesh,
… its insecure, jealous infection.

But love as it truly is,
… beautiful, precious and pure.
The eternal gift of God,
… graceful and sure.
So raise thy voice unto the heavens,
…as the time draws near.
Soon you'll love without compromise, 
…without insecurity and fear.

When your spirit will soar,
…as the echo does resound,
Of clumsy putrid flesh, 
…hitting the ground!


 Russ Pergram

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Sunrise

Upon the first Easter morning,
... after deaths victory seemed complete.
Jesus rolled the stone away
...and death knelt at loves feet.

He had arisen
... He, by whom the world was made,
He, who so loved his brethren
... His own life would trade.

"No man takes my life," he said.
... "I lay it down for my friends.
"I complete the task given me.
...for their sin I make amends."

 And so He has my friends
... that's why there is an Easter day.
For the judgment of God was met
... when he rolled that stone away.

He's on the right-hand of the Father
...even as we speak.
Interceding for his brethren
...strength for the weak.

So, come Easter morning
...every Christian, just as I.
Will pause and remember Christ
... and the reason why.

We are not just any religious people
...but Christians, cleansed by the flood.
Of God's grace and mercy
...and Jesus precious, innocent blood.

So let us humble our hearts, but raise our voices
...and tell the world the reason why.
On Easter morning the Christian heart rejoices
... as sunrise paints the eastern sky...


 Russ Pergram

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Prodigal Son

I walked with you in Eden, with you every day.
I gave you everything in the garden, let you have your way. 
You were it's crowning achievement, its glory, if you will. 
Oh how I loved you then! And how I love you still! 
Oh, but you were impetuous, restless of heart then. 
Inpatient, not waiting for me, you fell into sin. 
So I sent you on a journey, through tribulation, and pain.
Set the time and the limits, you must remain.

And so we have walked apart, from that day unto this.
And once more I've been betrayed, this time with a kiss. 
But I love you Adam, I have from the start. 
You were made in my own image, given my heart.

And I will do this for you, because I love you so.
I will not let you perish, I will not let you go. 
I will die in agony, to clear your name. 
I will suffer the indignities, of sin and shame.

Only walk with me a while, through the Gethsemane of life.
Be patient through your suffering, enduring a little strife. 
For tomorrow will come, and all the world will see,
Yonder on the mountain, God setting free.

The prodigal son, exiled from Eden so long ago.
But loved so much, God was willing to forgo. 
The majesties of heaven, to show love had won. 
Not only a friend, but beloved son.

Russ Pergram

Thursday, March 18, 2010

John Q. Public

The Congress of the United States?
Actually do something right?
Oh come now John Q. Public,
You're smoking something, right?

Do you really think they're there?
Oh, can't you see!
You really think they care?
Hell no! They're concerned only with "me".

It's time we get our heads out of our asses,
Yes John Q. -- I'm talking about me and you!
Isn't it clear their agenda?
What they're trying to do.

With every bill that passes,
Every successive term they serve.
They push us ever closer to socialism,
And we let them! Come on, let's get some nerve!

Let's vote them out.
Yes, every single one!
Let us not relent!
Until the people have won.

The attention of all the politicians.
The "so-called" powers that be.
Show them government isn't political bureaucrats.
But every day American's, like you and me.

Let them take their special interests,
Their gimmicks, their ruses,
Back into the real world,
And toil under the shadow of their own abuses.

But friends, it's not the politicians,
Who really are to blame.
It's you and me, John Q. Public.
Yes us! We all play the game.

We get complacent, into ourselves.
Pay little attention, a deaf ear turn.
We really don't give a damn,
Until it becomes our concern.

We allow them the opportunity,
To sit back, pick and choose.
With little or no supervision,
Until they think they cannot lose!

Well it's time for a makeover!
Time to trim the fat man's waist.
Snap them back to a diet of reality,
Hold them accountable for their waste!

It's about time we renovate Washington,
Elect men and women with common sense.
Send home fancy talking, professional politicians,
Big-money bankers, hotshot lawyers and dispense.

With this idiotic idea that big brother,
Knows more than you and me.
That we, everyday John Q. Public,
Are woefully inept, and unable to see.

The flimflam game they play in Washington,
The bipartisan political sleight of hand.
Well don't you think it's about time John Q. Public?
We show Washington that we do understand.

That it is John Q. Public who governs.
John Q. Public who says, yes or no.
That John Q. Public chooses its politicians,
And John Q. Public who says… time for you to go!


 Russ Pergram

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Who Am I?

Am I but a shadow,
Only thinking I am real?
Have I any substance?
Can I really feel?

Or am I but an illusion,
Contrived just for me.
A holographic reflection
Of what I wish I could be?

When I look into the mirror,
Is that the man I am at all?
Or, simply the memory,
Of a man I recall.


 Russ Pergram

Sunday, February 28, 2010


She tries to be strong, emotions rampant and undefined
Her hope and her trust, abused and undermined.
Strength of character, agony of love
"Father, strengthen my will," she whispers above.

She dreads tomorrow, once more to be alone
Almost against her will, she picks up the phone.
Trembling fingers, cold buttons touch,
"Why is she doing this? He hurt her so much."

Would she trade dignity, for one so weak?
Would she turn a blind eye, be so timid and weak?
Mind and heart struggle, fear versus pride.
The battle rages, deep down inside.

Back and forth it goes, debated at length,
Until exhausted, but with just enough strength.
To make her decision, emotions under control,
She hangs up the phone, onward she will go.


 Russ Pergram

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Time to come home Sara, your work on earth is done.
You've been a faithful witness, kept the faith, the race is run.
Death and all its darkness, now bows before the sight.
Of heavens newest saint, and your precious light.

All those who love you, who you've left behind,
Whose hearts are broken and are trying to find
Some way to ease the grief, to survive the day.
Whisper to their heart's Sara, you know what to say.

"Look toward the heavens, not unto the ground,
For I am not there, but unto life I abound!
I'm in the arms of Jesus, there's no more pain for me,
I'm basking in his love, alive eternally."

"I know you're hurting, that you miss me too.
And I know it takes time, but I know that you
Know I am with you, right there in your heart.
No, not just a memory, but alive and taking part."

"In your lives every day, perhaps a memory, a touch.
Or a feeling of love, when you need it so much.
Take comfort in the thought, I'm not just trying to survive.
But that I'm with God and completely alive."

"I'll see you again, no, not just in the by-and-by
But the reflection of smiles, that say you and I,
Are still one, in everything we do 
And you love me, as much as I love you."


 Russ Pergram

Monday, February 22, 2010

Judgment Day

Into the darkness I descended,
…as all the while I pretended,
….my life need not be defended.
Oh what a fool was I!

Oh, how easy to fall away,
…to live my life day by day,
….live it my own way,
… if I'd never die.

Oh how easy to believe that lie,
…to pretend I'll never die,
….never once considering why,
… heart could be so blind.

Oh how bitter too late to find,
…what goes around repays in kind,
….that heart and soul, even mind,
upon truth and justice will be cast.

Foolishly, I thought I might out last,
…evade the consequences of my past,
….ah, but never a lie's so fast,
… can out run time.

So here I am, awaiting the chime,
…of judgments rhythm to my rhyme,
….guilty of the most heinous crime,
  ….. of arrogance on judgment day...

Russ Pergram

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Higher Calling

There is no greater service,
…no higher calling from above,
Than to dedicate ones life,
…ones heart to the service of love.

To give unto others,
…as has been given unto you.
To discern the heart's whisper,
… "'Tis what I was born to do."

Such are the hearts,
…of these we honor here today.
Young adults of excellence,
…whose hearts pave the way,

Not only for better tomorrows,
…but for those here and now,
To uplift and inspire us all,
…do a better job somehow.

Young hearts that recognize,
…disability means not dismay.
That special needs people,
…are God's very special way,

Of granting us all,
…a distinct privilege to see,
The purity of such love, is love;
  …as love was meant to be.

Russ Pergram

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I Salute You

Back on a naval base
After all those years 
A lump fills my throat 
My eyes well with tears

Happy to be among my brethren
Just as you might suspect 
The sight of each and everyone 
Fills me with pride and respect

They're the best of the best
Men and women of the Military 
True defenders of our freedoms 
For they clearly see

The right to be free takes much more
Than some ink upon a scroll 
But dedicated, patriotic American's 
Sweat and blood on patrol

Doing what it takes
To stand in the breach 
Who are the very breath 
Of the liberties we teach 

And tho I shed the uniform
Thirty seven years ago 
I snap to attention, I salute 
Men and women whom I know 

Are the nations very best!
Shipmates tried and true 
Men and women of the military 
Pride of the red, white and blue! 


 Russ Pergram