Wednesday, September 15, 2010

American Values

In 1967, I graduated high school that year.
It was already underway, a conspiracy I fear.
Vietnam was raging, the nation split in two.
Khrushchev preaching, "We will bury you!"

"We will not have to conquer you; you'll decay from within.
You'll lose your morals, and we'll walk right in."
That was over 40 years ago, and I am ashamed to say
I've lived to see his words come true. Our morals in decay.

Thanks to the liberal politicians, there's no more wrong or right.
No need to draw a line in the sand, to bicker or fight!
Religions are all the same, neither wrong or right.
We're all enlightened, full of light.

Interesting how the Constitution was "misinterpreted", ere they came along.
How, even those who wrote it, had interpreted it wrong!
Separation of church and state, to hold the church at bay?
' Twas never intended to be used, perverted as it is this day.

What's prayer in public school, have to do with governing this land?
Nothing at all, and believe me the conspiracists understand
if our children believe, God supersedes even the state,
Then before their morals, their "deception" will meet its fate.

Let's open our eyes! We're being conquered from within.
Under the guise of equality, they sucker the simple in.
Counting on most of us, being content with status quo.
As deftly, they lead us, to a place we don't want to go.

Those of us who are 60 or older, remember America as it used to be?
Look around you; is this a better America you see?
Are America's morals, values, those our parents taught?
Without hesitation, I answer, "certainly not!"

I am a Christian, not a hate-monger or a threat,
an American patriot, who believes America is yet
very much alive and still answers to the call...
"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty, justice for all.

Russ Pergram

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