Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Prodigal Son

I walked with you in Eden, with you every day.
I gave you everything in the garden, let you have your way. 
You were it's crowning achievement, its glory, if you will. 
Oh how I loved you then! And how I love you still! 
Oh, but you were impetuous, restless of heart then. 
Inpatient, not waiting for me, you fell into sin. 
So I sent you on a journey, through tribulation, and pain.
Set the time and the limits, you must remain.

And so we have walked apart, from that day unto this.
And once more I've been betrayed, this time with a kiss. 
But I love you Adam, I have from the start. 
You were made in my own image, given my heart.

And I will do this for you, because I love you so.
I will not let you perish, I will not let you go. 
I will die in agony, to clear your name. 
I will suffer the indignities, of sin and shame.

Only walk with me a while, through the Gethsemane of life.
Be patient through your suffering, enduring a little strife. 
For tomorrow will come, and all the world will see,
Yonder on the mountain, God setting free.

The prodigal son, exiled from Eden so long ago.
But loved so much, God was willing to forgo. 
The majesties of heaven, to show love had won. 
Not only a friend, but beloved son.

Russ Pergram

Thursday, March 18, 2010

John Q. Public

The Congress of the United States?
Actually do something right?
Oh come now John Q. Public,
You're smoking something, right?

Do you really think they're there?
Oh, can't you see!
You really think they care?
Hell no! They're concerned only with "me".

It's time we get our heads out of our asses,
Yes John Q. -- I'm talking about me and you!
Isn't it clear their agenda?
What they're trying to do.

With every bill that passes,
Every successive term they serve.
They push us ever closer to socialism,
And we let them! Come on, let's get some nerve!

Let's vote them out.
Yes, every single one!
Let us not relent!
Until the people have won.

The attention of all the politicians.
The "so-called" powers that be.
Show them government isn't political bureaucrats.
But every day American's, like you and me.

Let them take their special interests,
Their gimmicks, their ruses,
Back into the real world,
And toil under the shadow of their own abuses.

But friends, it's not the politicians,
Who really are to blame.
It's you and me, John Q. Public.
Yes us! We all play the game.

We get complacent, into ourselves.
Pay little attention, a deaf ear turn.
We really don't give a damn,
Until it becomes our concern.

We allow them the opportunity,
To sit back, pick and choose.
With little or no supervision,
Until they think they cannot lose!

Well it's time for a makeover!
Time to trim the fat man's waist.
Snap them back to a diet of reality,
Hold them accountable for their waste!

It's about time we renovate Washington,
Elect men and women with common sense.
Send home fancy talking, professional politicians,
Big-money bankers, hotshot lawyers and dispense.

With this idiotic idea that big brother,
Knows more than you and me.
That we, everyday John Q. Public,
Are woefully inept, and unable to see.

The flimflam game they play in Washington,
The bipartisan political sleight of hand.
Well don't you think it's about time John Q. Public?
We show Washington that we do understand.

That it is John Q. Public who governs.
John Q. Public who says, yes or no.
That John Q. Public chooses its politicians,
And John Q. Public who says… time for you to go!


 Russ Pergram

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Who Am I?

Am I but a shadow,
Only thinking I am real?
Have I any substance?
Can I really feel?

Or am I but an illusion,
Contrived just for me.
A holographic reflection
Of what I wish I could be?

When I look into the mirror,
Is that the man I am at all?
Or, simply the memory,
Of a man I recall.


 Russ Pergram