Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Sunrise

Upon the first Easter morning,
... after deaths victory seemed complete.
Jesus rolled the stone away
...and death knelt at loves feet.

He had arisen
... He, by whom the world was made,
He, who so loved his brethren
... His own life would trade.

"No man takes my life," he said.
... "I lay it down for my friends.
"I complete the task given me.
...for their sin I make amends."

 And so He has my friends
... that's why there is an Easter day.
For the judgment of God was met
... when he rolled that stone away.

He's on the right-hand of the Father
...even as we speak.
Interceding for his brethren
...strength for the weak.

So, come Easter morning
...every Christian, just as I.
Will pause and remember Christ
... and the reason why.

We are not just any religious people
...but Christians, cleansed by the flood.
Of God's grace and mercy
...and Jesus precious, innocent blood.

So let us humble our hearts, but raise our voices
...and tell the world the reason why.
On Easter morning the Christian heart rejoices
... as sunrise paints the eastern sky...


 Russ Pergram