Monday, December 7, 2009

Oh Death

Oh, how horrid the news
How loathsome this day!
Deaths putrid presence comes
To steal my friend away.

How dare you take my friend!
Whose heart was solid gold,
How dare your evil grace!
Be so undiscerning, so cold.

Who are you to judge us?
Answer oh death if you can,
To silence the sirens' voice
Of such a kind and gentle man.

Aw but death, your day is coming,
You, whose mercy is pretend.
My friend will live forever
And you shall have an end!

Oh yes, I know you!
Your destiny as well.
When all's said and done
You'll be cast into Hell!

And he shall live forever,
From your merciless grip be free.
All your grief, your sorrow 
Will one day turn to glee!

Yes, I too shall feel your touch,
Your cold breath upon my heart.
My loved ones too shall grieve,
Their hearts broken, torn apart.

Yet, I know when man's faith, 
In God's grace is put to the test.
You'll be cast forever into Hell!
Where such arrogance finds no rest.

You'll gather no more souls oh reaper!
Be no more the scourge of man's days!
No more haunting, but defeated,
By the heart that prays...

Russ Pergram

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